Other official information and services: www.belgium.be
eRegister comprises public bibliographic data from the patent register as well as the full patents and the correspondence between the Office and the applicants.
You can find data about:
It is possible to perform a quick search or an advanced search.
The tool is available in four languages (English, Dutch, French and German) and it is possible to select and save some results in a patents list (âMy Patentsâ).
Belgian patent publication documents are available, in PDF and/or XML versions, for consulting and downloading via :
Belgian patent publication documents are available for re-use of public data (see the notice about re-use of public data : https://bpp.economie.fgov.be/bpp-portal/re-use).
Patent data are regularly updated. The update may, under certain circumstances, take several days.
eRegister does not require any subscription and is available for all.
Federated Register Service of the European Patent Office uses and directly reflects the bibliographical data, available in eRegister, relating to European patents designating Belgium. The BE-Federated Register Service contents information sheet is available via the following link .