BE - Federated Register Service (FRS)

BE Patent Register

  • Coverage: FRS is supported for European Patents, while the deep-linking is supported for National Patents, European Patents and SPCs.
  • Updating frequency: Daily
  • Availability of file inspection: Yes
  • URL to National patent register:
  • Availability of Deep linking to Belgian national patent register from FRS: Yes

Contents provided via FRS

FRS data Data provided BE - Contents
1 Status Yes
  • Status “Unknown” mentioned: for EP patents designating Belgium that are granted before 22/09/2014, the FRS data field ‘Status’ might contain the mention “Unknown”. In such case the online Belgian patent register should be checked for the mention of a Status in its Additional Information section. If the EP patent is surrendered/renounced, the Status will be ‘Renonciation / Verzaking’. If the EP patent is not validated, the Status will be ‘Sans effet (suite) / Zonder gevolg’. If the EP patent is annulled, the Status will be ‘Annulation / Nietigverklaring’. For a lapsed or an expired EP patent there will be no Status but the lapsed date or expiration date will be present in the Dates section of the online Belgian patent register. The online Belgian patent register is available in English, French, German and Dutch versions.
  • Request for EP validation received: EP patent is granted (B1, B2 or B3), but the national validation procedure is ongoing. An EP patent designating Belgium and granted (B1, B2 or B3) by the EPO in English before 01 January 2017, needed the filing of a translation in a Belgian national language for its validation in Belgium within 3 months from the publication date. However EP patents designating Belgium and granted (B1, B2 or B3) by the EPO in English, French or German since 01 January 2017 are automatically validated in Belgium without a validation procedure.
  • Patent surrendered: EP patent is surrendered/renounced due to a request of the grantee. Annual renewal fees could have been paid before the request of surrender/renunciation was filed.
  • Patent revoked: EP patent is revoked due to a request filed by the grantee or due to a revocation decision made by the EPO. Annual renewal fees could have been paid before the request was filed or the decision was made.
  • Patent lapsed: EP patent is lapsed due to non-payment of an annual renewal fee.
  • Patent expired: EP patent is expired after 20 years from its filing date.
  • Patent validated: the national validation procedure for the EP patent is successfully finished, i.e. the EP patent is considered as valid in Belgium. The corresponding legal status in the Belgian patent register is ‘open’. An EP patent designating Belgium and granted (B1, B2 or B3) by the EPO in English before 01 January 2017, needed the filing of a translation in a Belgian national language for its validation in Belgium within 3 months from the publication date. However EP patents designating Belgium and granted (B1, B2 or B3) by the EPO in English, French or German since 01 January 2017 are automatically validated in Belgium.
    If the first annual renewal fee due in Belgium after the grant of the EP patent has not been paid yet, the ‘Renewal fees last paid' field will be empty.
  • Patent not validated: the national validation procedure for the EP patent is unsuccessfully finished, i.e. the EP patent is deemed void in Belgium.
  • Annulment requested: the EP patent is annulled due to a court decision.
  • 2 Application No. Yes The application number has 8 digits and includes the prefix EP.
    3 Publication No. Yes The publication number has up to 7 digits and includes the prefix EP.
    4 Proprietor Yes All current proprietors are listed.
    5 Invalidation date Yes The Invalidation date is the date when the decision on the invalidation (surrender/renunciation, revocation, lapse, expiration, non-validation or annulment) of the EP patent was taken.
    In the current version of the BE-FRS, the ‘Invalidation date’ field will :
    - in case of the surrender/renunciation of the EP patent, not mention the surrender/renunciation date – it can be found in the online Belgian patent register ;
    - in case of the revocation or annulment of the EP patent, mention the revocation or annulment date which is available in the online Belgian patent register ;
    - be empty in case of the lapse of the EP patent ;
    - mention the expiration date in case of the expiration of the EP patent, or might be empty for an EP patent granted before 22/09/2014 ;
    - be empty in case of an EP patent that is not validated.
    6 Not in force since Yes The ‘Not in force since’ date is the date on which the rights conferred by the EP patent are no longer considered to be in force in Belgium.
    In the current version of the BE-FRS, the ‘Not in force since’ date field will :
    - be empty in case of the surrender/renunciation of the EP patent if it happened before 22 September 2014, or mention the total surrender/renunciation date of the EP patent if it happened after 22 September 2014 ;
    Total surrender/renunciation shall cause the patent to lapse as of the date of entry of the declaration in the Register. If at such date, the annual renewal fee for maintaining the patent in force has not yet been paid, however, lapse of the patent shall take effect at the end of the period covered by the last annual renewal fee that has been paid.
    - mention the filing date in case of the revocation of the EP patent, or might be empty for an EP patent granted before 22 September 2014 ;
    - mention the filing date in case of the annulment of the EP patent , or might be empty for an EP patent granted before 22 September 2014 ;
    - mention the lapsed date in case of the lapse of the EP patent, or might be empty for an EP patent granted before 22 September 2014 ;
    - mention the expiration date in case of the expiration of the EP patent, or might be empty for an EP patent granted before 22/09/2014 ;
    - mention the filing date in case of the non-validation of the EP patent, or might be empty for an EP patent granted before 22 September 2014.
    7 Renewal fees last paid Yes The ‘Renewal fees last paid’ date is the payment date of the last annual renewal fee paid.
    8 Register last updated Yes The ‘Register last updated’ date is the date of the last update of the concrete record in the Belgian patent register; however, this update can happen both for business (e.g. the data of the record were really changed) or technical reasons.

    Contact details

    Belgian Intellectual Property Office: a department of the Belgian Federal Public Service for Economy, SMEs, Self-employed and Energy
    Rue du Progrès 50
    1210 Brussels
    Tel.: +32 (0)2 277 90 11

    Related links

    • Website Federal Public Service for Economy,SMEs,the Self-employed and Energy
    • Belgian online Patent Register
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    • Compatibility