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MyPage is a secure customer platform for accessing your data on national patents, European patents validated in Belgium (hereinafter, European patents), supplementary protection certificates and payments related to those intellectual property rights.

The user manual is available via this link.

If you have any questions on the use of MyPage or in case of problems, please contact the BPP Helpdesk by telephone (+32 22 77 51 19) or via e-mail (, from Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. and from 1:30 p.m. until 4:00 p.m.


Requesting access to MyPage

Please note that only one main user (also called parent user) can be registered per office. This person must request access to MyPage. Once this access is activated, the parent user can create accesses for the team members (also called subsidiary users) through the 'User Management’ functionality.

To be granted access to MyPage, you must have a valid means of authentication. Currently, there are two options: a smart card issued by the European Patent Office or a DigiCert certificate. The latter is used to temporarily replace smart cards issued by the European Patent Office if you can no longer obtain a new smart card.

You can request an EPO smart card online via the following link:

You can request a DigiCert certificate by sending an e-mail to with as subject 'Request for software certificate'. This certificate has to be installed correctly on your computer. You must install this certificate on your computer as described in the installation guide.

Once you received your smart card (and your PIN) or installed your DigiCert certificate, you need to complete two forms: an online form and a paper form. Both forms are required for security reasons. The online form can be found via the 'Register your SmartCard/DigiCert' button in the menu on the right-hand side of this screen. Once completed, you will receive an e-mail.


For MyPage, you can request a payer and/or portfolio access.

With a payer access, you can consult the data related to your current account, as well as the account statements and the list of payments made. You can also upload individual or bulk electronic payment orders.

A portfolio access allows you to consult the data related to your patent portfolio, as well as the documents in the patent files you manage.


General conditions

MyPage contains sensitive data. Both financial data and personal data are available to the user. This is why the Intellectual Property Office asks each user to respect the sometimes sensitive nature of this data with care and discretion and to protect this (keep the PIN code of the smartcard secret, lock the computer when the user momentarily leaves the office, etc...).

The terms and conditions set by the FPS Economy apply to the use of MyPage. Their purpose is to inform the user of the terms and conditions of the use of MyPage, and ultimately to secure the relationships that the user has, both with its customers and with the Intellectual Property Office. Both users who already have access to Mypage and users who will request (and obtain) access to MyPage, automatically subscribe to these terms and conditions, when they make use of MyPage.

Please note that the application might be unavailable for a short time during the weekly maintenance windows, usually on Tuesday evening.